Worship With Us
Visit Our Vibrant Church in Crawford, MS
Sunday Services
9:00 a.m. Morning Refresher
A time serves as a time to refresh or reinvigorate oneself before Sunday morning service starts. It is a time where you enter at free will between the times of 9:00-9:50 and spend time soaking in worship music and prayer preparing the heart for service (Acts 3:19).
10 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
We gather to simply remember God, to worship the God of creation, and to be thankful for the sacrifice of Christ that provides our salvation. Our worship service is on fire with dynamic praise and worship followed by a transformational and inspiring Word from the Lord preached by our Apostle.
Weekly Bible Study
6:30 p.m. Wednesday night
We gather for Bible Study every Wednesday night at 6:30 p.m. Bible Study is a time where we dive deeper into the Word of God to grasp a deeper understanding of God through His Word.
Intercessory Prayer
10 a.m. 1st and 3rd Saturdays
We hold Intercessory Prayer every first and third Saturday of the month at 10 a.m. Intercessory prayer is one of the most rewarding ministries in the work of the Lord. It is a ministry that specializes in prayer and "standing in the gap" on behalf of the needs of others. If you need prayer, come out every 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month, and we will pray for you.
Meet Our Worship Team

Megan Anthony
Praise & Worship Leader
Praise & Worship Leader- Megan Anthony
My name is Megan Anthony, the daughter of James and Donna Anthony. I am a graduate of the University of MS with a BS degree in Chemistry (emphasis Biochemistry). Currently, I am in medical school at SGU. I serve as a praise team leader at the church and as an assistant to the Apostle and Public Relation Personnel. My passion in life is helping people to my best ability and to help them live their life to their greatest potential.

Jasmine Harris
Praise & Worship Leader
Praise & Worship Leader- Jasamine Harris-Brown
My name is Jasamine Harris-Brown. I am a Columbus, MS native. I am the wife of Kendrick Brown and the mother of Kensley Brown. I am a nurse and I have a heart for serving people. My current position in the church is a praise team leader.

Carl Swanigan
Minister of Music
Minister of Music- Carl Swanigan
My name is Carl Swanigan, better known as Vino. I’m from a small city in Mississippi called Louisville. I’m the son of Reverend Carl and Rosalind Swanigan. I have three sisters and one brother. I attend and graduated from Louisville High School in 2004. I attend Stillman College on a band and ACT scholarship until Fall 2006. Afterwards, I transferred to the University of Southern Mississippi in 2007 and received a bachelor’s in Music Industry with a concentration in percussion and a minor in Business in May of 2009. In 2018, I was introduced to a great church home by the name of PRHOW (Pleasant Ridge House of Worship) and I’ve been attending every since. I currently serve as the Music Director at the church. Mainly, I follow under the leadership of our wonderful Apostle, Donna Anthony. My duties are to provide guidance and leadership to the members of the praise team and musician staff. Also, I arrange rehearsals, voice arrangement, performances, and provide material... old or new... the week before any services. One of many passions in life is to provide assistance when needed. God has a purpose for me in this world and I will continue to fulfill his promises!!!
God Bless!
Carl “Vino” Swanigan
MD/ Minister of Music